Sales Log Insert | Planner Inserts for Planner Nerd Sellers
I've always been a hoarder of journals and diaries just because I love writing and doodling... when it comes to planners though, I thought the ready made ones (the one with cute colors and pages, bookbound mind you) were great, but they are never perfect enough for my needs. Lo and behold, I wonder why I never thought of being able to make one for myself? Finally I found the time and the right reason to do so.
There's are a bunch of free downloadable inserts out there, but I couldn't find the exact template to suit my need to take down my sales and get to see how much I'm getting from my products and projects. I wanted to keep track of it all in my planner so I decided to make this.
For anyone who's looking for something similar, feel free to check the link below, print or save on your computer (for later use), then cut and punch.
You can also use this as it is after printing and cutting.
1. DOWNLOAD: Sales Log Planner Insert for Personal Size Planners by AndreaKZ (3.75x6.75in)
2. Use short bond paper.
3. Print in landscape.
4. Cut in the middle and remove excess edges.
5. Punch.
6. Enjoy.
7. Show me some love by sharing this post and liking my page:
8. I might upload more templates so please subscribe or follow my blog and my facebook page.
If you don't want to do it on your own and would want to have it printed, cut, and punched for you. You could purchase a set from my facebook page (Philippines only): Andreaz' Nook. Also, if you do decide to use this template, please send me your love by liking my page, and feel free to share this to your friends. Thank you very much!
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There's are a bunch of free downloadable inserts out there, but I couldn't find the exact template to suit my need to take down my sales and get to see how much I'm getting from my products and projects. I wanted to keep track of it all in my planner so I decided to make this.
For anyone who's looking for something similar, feel free to check the link below, print or save on your computer (for later use), then cut and punch.
You can also use this as it is after printing and cutting.
1. DOWNLOAD: Sales Log Planner Insert for Personal Size Planners by AndreaKZ (3.75x6.75in)
2. Use short bond paper.
3. Print in landscape.
4. Cut in the middle and remove excess edges.
5. Punch.
6. Enjoy.
7. Show me some love by sharing this post and liking my page:
8. I might upload more templates so please subscribe or follow my blog and my facebook page.
If you don't want to do it on your own and would want to have it printed, cut, and punched for you. You could purchase a set from my facebook page (Philippines only): Andreaz' Nook. Also, if you do decide to use this template, please send me your love by liking my page, and feel free to share this to your friends. Thank you very much!

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