Time Travel
I went back in time!
While trying to see what layout I'd like to change this blog into, I ended up checking my posts. Yeah, you got that right, been reading thoughts way back 2007. Some silly, mostly gloomy and bored, and some are just nonsense.
After all this time, I thought I'd be a whole lot different from who I was before... turns out after 12 years I still sound almost the same. Same thoughts, same understanding, same inspiration. I guess the only difference now is that, I can say most of them with confidence and conviction. They may be a different situation, but they are all still very applicable in the now. My thoughts still echo.
And I don't know if that's a good thing, or not.
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While trying to see what layout I'd like to change this blog into, I ended up checking my posts. Yeah, you got that right, been reading thoughts way back 2007. Some silly, mostly gloomy and bored, and some are just nonsense.
After all this time, I thought I'd be a whole lot different from who I was before... turns out after 12 years I still sound almost the same. Same thoughts, same understanding, same inspiration. I guess the only difference now is that, I can say most of them with confidence and conviction. They may be a different situation, but they are all still very applicable in the now. My thoughts still echo.
And I don't know if that's a good thing, or not.

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